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研究方向: 细胞骨架与信号传导,纤毛生物学,微藻合成生物学



1. Wang L, Li X, Liu G, Pan J*. 2022. FBB18 participates in preassembly of almost all axonemal dyneins independent of R2TP complex. PLos Genet. 18(8):e1010374.

2. Zhu X, Wang J, Li S, Lechtreck K, Pan J*. 2021. IFT54 directly interacts with kinesin-II and IFT dynein to regulate anterograde intraflagellar transport. EMBO J 40: e105781.

3. Li S, Wan KY, Chen W, Tao H, Liang X*, Pan J*. 2020. Functional exploration of heterotrimeric kinesin-II in IFT and ciliary length control in Chlamydomonas. eLife 9:e58868.

4. Liang Y, Zhu X, Wu Q, Pan J*. 2018. Ciliary Length Sensing Regulates IFT Entry via Changes in FLA8/KIF3B Phosphorylation to Control Ciliary Assembly. Curr Biol. 28(15), 2429-2435.

5. Zhu B, Zhu X, Wang L, Liang Y, Feng Q, Pan J*. 2017. Functional exploration of the IFT-A complex in intraflagellar transport and ciliogenesis. PLoS Genet. 13(2):e1006627.

6. Hu J, Liang Y, He W, Pan J *. 2015. Cilia disassembly with two distinct phases of regulation. Cell Reports 10, 1803-1810.

7. Liang Y, Pang Y, Wu Q, Hu Z, Han X, Xu Y, Deng H, Pan J*. 2014. FLA8/KIF3B phosphorylation regulates kinesin-II interaction with IFT-B to control IFT entry and turnaround. Dev Cell. 30, 585-597.

8. Cao M, Meng D, Wang L, Bei S, Snell WJ*, Pan J*. 2013. Activation loop phosphorylation of a protein kinase is a molecular marker of organelle size that dynamically reports flagellar length. PNAS, 110, 12337-42. 



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