电子邮件: sunneyxie@pku.edu.cn
代表性科研论文 / Selected Publications:
1.Chen C, Xing D, Tan L, Li H, Zhou G, Huang L, Xie X *(2017) "Single-cell whole-genome analyses by Linear Amplification via Transposon Insertion (LIANTI)," Science 356, 189-194.
2.Zhou Y, Wang P, Tian F, Gao G, Huang L, Wei W, Xie X *(2017)"Painting a specific chromosome with CRISPR/Cas9 for live-cell imaging," Cell Res 27, 298-301.
3. Fu D, Yang W, Xie X *(2017) "Label-free Imaging of Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine at Neuromuscular Junctions with Stimulated Raman Scattering," J Am Chem Soc 139, 583−586.
4.Yan L, Huang L, Xu L, Huang J, Ma F, Zhu X, Tang Y, Liu M, Lian Y, Liu P, Li R, Lu S, Tang F, Qiao J, Xie X *(2015) "Live births after simultaneous avoidance of monogenic diseases and chromosome abnormality by next-generation sequencing with linkage analyses," ProcNatlAcadSci USA 112, 15964-15969.
5. Chong S, Chen C, Ge H, Xie X* (2014) "Mechanism of Transcriptional Bursting in Bacteria," Cell 158, 314-326.
6. Hou Y, Fan W, Yan L, Li R, Lian Y, Huang J, Li J, Xu L, Tang F, Xie X *, Qiao J (2013)"Genome analyses of single human oocytes," Cell 155, 1492-1506.
7.Kim S, Brostromer E, Xing D, Jin J, Chong S, Ge H, Wang S, Gu C, Yang L, Gao Y, Su X, Sun Y, Xie X* (2013) "Probing Allostery Through DNA," Science 339, 816-819.
8.Zong C, Lu S, Chapman A, Xie X*(2012) "Genome-wide detection of single-nucleotide and copy-number variations of a single human cell," Science 338, 1622-1626.