2019-现在 开心电玩城医学院/清华北大生命联合中心, 研究员
2016-2019 美国Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School 博士后
2010-2016 美国MD Anderson Cancer Center,博士(肿瘤生物学)
2005-2010 南方医科大学,医学学士
1. 肿瘤细胞是如何逃逸免疫细胞的识别以及如何耐受免疫细胞对肿瘤细胞的杀伤?
2. 肿瘤细胞如何调控肿瘤免疫微环境从而抑制免疫细胞功能?
3. 如何根据上述机制寻找相关的药物靶点来增强肿瘤免疫治疗的效果?
1. Pan D*, Kobayashi A*, Jiang P*, Andrade LF, Tay RE, Luoma A, Tsoucas D, Qiu X, Lim K, Rao P, Long HW, Yuan G, Doench J, Brown M, Liu XL, and Wucherpfennig KW. A Major Chromatin Regulator Determines Resistance of Tumor cells to T cell Mediated Killing. Science, 2018 Jan 4; pii:eaao1710 doi: 10.1126/science.aao1710. (* Denotes equal contribution)
2. Jiang P*, Gu S*, Pan D*, Fu J, Li Z, Bu X, Li B, Liu JS, Freeman G, Brown M, Wucherpfennig KW and Liu XL. Signatures of T-cell dysfunction and exclusion predict cancer immunotherapy response. Nature Medicine, published online on Aug 20, 2018. (* Denotes equal contribution)
3. Andrade LF, Tay RE, Pan D, Luoma A, Ito Y, Badrinath S, Tsoucas D, Franz B, May KF, Kobold S, Pyrdol JW, Yoon C, Yuan GC, Hodi S, Dranoff G and Wucherpfennig KW. Antibody-Mediated Blockade of MICA/B Shedding Promotes NK Cell-Driven Tumor Immunity. Science 2018, Mar 30; Vol 359, Issue 6383, pp. 1537-1542) DOI: 10.1126/science.aao0505