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1.    Shao, W.*, Yang, J.*, He, M., Yu, X.-Y., Lee, C.H., Yang, Z., Joyner, A.L., Anderson, K. V., Zhang, J., Tsou, M.B., Shi, H., and Shi, S.-H. (2020) Centrosome Anchoring Regulates Progenitor Properties and Cortical Formation. (* Co-first author) Nature 580:106-112. (PMCID: PMC7138347)

2.    Ren, S.Q., Li, Z., Lin, S., Bergami, M., and Shi, S.-H. (2019) Precise Long-range Microcircuit-to-microcircuit Communication Connects the Frontal and Sensory Cortices in the Mammalian Brain. Neuron 104: 1-17. (PMCID: PMC6813886)

3.    Sultan, K.T., Liu, W.A., Li, Z.-L., Shen, Z., Li, Z., Zhang X.-J., Dean, O., Ma, J., and Shi, S.-H. (2018) Progressive Divisions of Multipotent Neural Progenitors Generate Late-born Chandelier Cells in the Neocortex. Nat. Commun. 9: 4595. (PMCID: PMC6214958)

4.    Zhang, X.-J., Li, Z., Han, Z., Sultan, K.T., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H. (2017) Precise Inhibitory Microcircuit Assembly of Developmentally Related Neocortical Interneurons in Clusters. Nat. Commun. 8:16091. (PMCID: PMC5511369)

5.    Shi, W., Xianyu, A., Han, Z., Tang, X., Li, Z., Zhong, H., Mao, T., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H. (2017) Ontogenetic Establishment of Order-specific Nuclear Organization in the Mammalian Thalamus. Nat. Neurosci. 20: 516-528. (PMCID: PMC5374008)

6.    Sultan, K.T.*, Han, Z.*, Zhang, X.-J.*, Xianyu, A., Li, Z., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H. (2016) Clonally Related GABAergic Interneurons Do Not Randomly Disperse But Frequently Form Local Clusters in the Forebrain. (* Co-first author) Neuron 92: 31-44. (PMCID: PMC5066572)

7.    He, S., Li, Z., Ge, S., Yu, Y.-C., and Shi, S.-H. (2015) Inside-out Radial Migration Facilitates Lineage-dependent Microcircuit Assembly in the Neocortex. Neuron 86: 1159-1166. (PMCID: PMC4458701)

8.    Gao, P., Postiglione Pia, M., Krieger, T.G., Hernandez, L., T., Wang, C., Han, Z., Streicher, C., Papusheva, E., Insolera, R., Chugh, K., Kodish, O., Huang, K., Simons, B.D., Luo, L., Hippenmeyer, S., and Shi, S.-H. (2014) Deterministic Progenitor Behavior and Unitary Production of Neurons in the Neocortex. Cell 159: 775-788. (PMCID: PMC4225456)

9.    Insolera, R., Bazzi, H., W. Shao, Anderson, K.V., and Shi, S.-H. (2014) Cortical Neurogenesis in the Absence of Centrioles. Nat. Neurosci. 17: 1528-1535. (PMCID: PMC4213237)

10. Xu, H.-T., Han Z., Gao, P., He, S., Li, Z., Shi, W., Kordish, O., Shao, W., Brown, K.N., Huang, K., and Shi. S-H. (2014) Lineage-dependent Structural and Functional Organization of the Hippocampus. Cell 157: 1552-1564. (PMCID: PMC4120073)

11. Yu, Y.-C., He, S., Chen, S., Fu, Y., Brown, K.N., Yao, X.H., Ma, J., Gao, K.P., Sosinsky, G.E., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H. (2012) Preferential Electric Coupling Regulates Neocortical Lineage-dependent Microcircuit Assembly. Nature 486: 113-7. (PMCID: PMC3599787)

12. Brown, K.N., Chen, S., Han, Z., Lu, C.-H., Tan, X., Ding, L., Zhang, X.-J., Cruz, A. L., Saur, D., Anderson, S.A., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H. (2011) Clonal Production and Organization of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Neocortex. Science 334: 480-486. (PMCID: PMC3304494)

13. Wang, X., Tsai, J.-W., Imai, J.H., Lin, W.-N., Valle, R.B., and Shi, S.-H. (2009) Asymmetric Centrosome Inheritance Maintains Neural Progenitors in the Neocortex. Nature 461: 947-955. (PMCID: PMC2764320)

14.  Yu, Y.-C., Bultje, R.S., Wang, X., and Shi, S.-H. (2009) Specific Synapses Develop Preferentially among Sister Excitatory Neurons in the Neocortex. Nature 458: 501-504.  (PMCID: PMC2727717)



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